Friday, May 2, 2008

The Meaning of Prayer

How many times a day do people tell us whats going on in their life and our response is, "Oh I'll be praying for you!"?

Cause I know I do that ALL the time! I'm constantly telling people I'll be praying for them just out of curtesy but then 10 min later totally forget I even said that! This is something God has really been convicting me about! When someone says they're going to pray for me, I want them to really do it! But I cant remember the last time I constantly all week prayed for the people I said I would.

So, I now I'm trying something new, and would encourage you to do the same :)
Now if I say that, I mean it. I keep either a sticky note or a little notebook in my purse. And everytime I tell someone I'll pray for them, I write down their name, and what it is I'm praying for. Then throughout the day or week I'll pull out that note and just pray for them, even if its just for 5 min here and there. . .


Last night megan and I were doing a coin drive for my mission trip again :) its always an adventure to see peoples reaction, whether pleasent or rude. And when we came to one door last night an elderly lady came. She was wearing what looked to be a nightgown, and her hair was messy. She didnt have any teeth and you could tell she was in pain. It just broke my heart first seeing her. . I then told her what we were doing and she was just so sweet! She explained how right now she's completely broke, but she's believing God that alot of money is coming in soon! Also she told us how she's giving to an orphanage and just LOVES to give to missions! Her heart was so sweet! She gave me a card with her name and number on it, telling me to come back and she'll write me a check for my trip, when that money comes in.

Well you could tell she was such a selfless person! You could tell she was not very prosperious at all, yet more willing to give than any other person we spoke to!! I told her I would pray for her. And thank God for my reminding sticky note! :)

But she has been on my mind ever since! Just her smile, and her generous loving heart!

It the people like Anne Wilson who remind me that their are just adorable selfless people out there haha. :)

God Bless her!

On a sidenote, I would encourage you all to do the same! Do you ever say that and then forget? Or am I the only one? haha.

love you guys.


Mandy said...

I forget sometimes, but I've tried to make it habit of praying for that person the moment I leave (or they leave). Then sometimes I forget and will wake up in the middle of the night remembering I said I'd pray for them :)

Chick4Christ said...

oh thats good :) you have such a sweet heart! :) oh and thanks again for wed night!

deleise said...

Good thoughts, Wendy. Thanks for the reminder.

shanna said...

I love your heart precious one! I have been writing my prayers in my journal. When I have my treasure time I go over my day the day before and take mental inventory of who I talked to and what their struggles were. I think I am going to use your system! Love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooo MUCH!

ChristusNextus said...

i love this story. blessed are the poor in spirit, and how much more so the ones who live in destitution and are still poor in spirit! this is a wonderful reminder. i think your blogging is a good way for God to be more real in your life bc i know that u look for things to write about, and dont just make it about that, ya know? meditate on these things and allow God to show you things through them! just a reminder from ur good ol' pal!!