Friday, February 22, 2008


So I have a Friday Finding :)
If you havent heard of TOMS Shoes, I encourage you to look into them.

It was started by a young man, Blake Mcoskie. The shoes were inspired by traditional Argentine shoe and challenged by the continents poverty and health issues. He created TOMS with a singular mission: To make life more comfortable. To accomplish this through its unique shoe and his commitment to match every pair purchased with a donated pair to a child in need... no complicated formulas, its simple... You buy a pair of TOMS and he gives a pair to a child in South Africa on your behalf.

He is very mission minded and this just tickles me knowing someone is doing this! I just love it and support him. I'm buying my first pair of TOMS today, and you should too :) He also sells hats, and shirts. Also available is a Feed a Child bag; its a really cute bag you can buy for $65, when done, all the money goes to feed one child in South Africa for a school year. I love this guy's heart for children!



For the first time in my life I am just going to love flats:).

Thanks for sharing!

Chick4Christ said...

:) thanks ejvis! i hope you like them! Everytime i put them one they're going to make me smile, knowing another child somewhere in Africa, has a pair of shoes to wear today :)

Mandy said...

I haven't bought a pair yet, but I'm sure I will in time. I'm always up for a new pair of shoes!!!!

deleise said...

good find!

shanna said...

I adore you!

Unknown said...

Very cool. Thanks for sharing!

ChristusNextus said...

i wonder if the kids in africa get the same color shoes that the person buys. hmmm.. a homeless, naked african child walking around with green flats on! what a tremendous way to share God's love!! stat time!!

there are over 1 billion people alive today without adequate shoes, yet there are over 6 billion shoes in the world!! how have we become so closed minded? obviously this man has a heart for the things of Him and thats awesome that you're apart of it!! hopefully they werent stretched out too bad by wearing the brace!!